Banking the Intensified Seed Train

Banking the Intensified Seed Train

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Advantages of Seed Train Intensification vs Conventional Cell Culturing

Seed train intensification is a transformative approach to cell culturing, allowing to reduce production timelines, costs and risks of contamination. It allows labs and manufacturers to rapidly and efficiently develop a number of cell lines for the inoculation of bioreactors used in production. Accelerated scale-up of cell production while maintaining desired product quality involves a sequence of steps in which cells are transferred to larger vessels.

Cell Banking is a crucial step in the seed train intensification process for biopharmaceutical production. To get the train rolling, multiple optimized process units, that enable high cell densities cultivation & efficient high cell density cryopreservation, need to be combined.

Single Use Support’s end-to-end fluid management and freeze-thaw process fills the gap of a time- and cost-saving process to optimize seed train intensification. The advanced protection, homogenization, aseptic filling, freezing, cold storing, shipping, thawing and transfer of hundreds of single-use bags will ultimately improve laboratories and production sites in the context of cell banking. The high degree of automated process steps and improved cell viability promote process efficiency and also contributes to greater patient safety.