Sustainability Report: Commitment to Protecting Life and the Environment

Armin Lassl - Single Use Support

Armin Lassl

April 29, 2024

Table of contents


Sustainability in Biopharmaceutical Fluid & Cold Chain Management

As the biopharmaceutical industry faces unprecedented challenges and opportunities, Single Use Support is committed to advancing our mission of developing and delivering innovative process solutions for pharmaceutical companies to improve the efficiency of the manufacturing process of drug substances and the safety of patients around the world.

To achieve this, the process solution provider recognizes that it must also uphold its responsibility to protect the environment and contribute to a more sustainable future for our planet. One of the key areas where Single Use Support can make a positive impact is fluid and cold chain management in the pharmaceutical supply chain, which is essential for ensuring the quality, safety, and efficacy of our customer‘s products.

Fluid and cold chain management refers to the processes and technologies involved in filling, freezing, storing, transporting, and handling temperature-sensitive biological materials, such as vaccines, biologics and advanced cell and gene therapies. However, fluid and cold chain management also poses significant environmental challenges, such as high energy consumption, greenhouse gas emissions, waste generation, and water usage.

Single Use Support is determined to not only reduce its own environmental footprint but also that of its valued customers, while also enhancing the sustainability performance.

Single Use Support publishes first Sustainability Report

At Single Use Support we believe that sustainability is not only a moral duty, but also a competitive advantage and a strategic imperative for our business. We are proud of the progress we have made so far, but we know that there is still much more to be done. We are constantly seeking new ways to innovate and improve our fluid and cold chain management practices, and we welcome your feedback and suggestions.

By publishing our first sustainability report Single Use Support discloses its

  • Sustainability goals
  • Social Impact
  • Environmental Impact 
  • Industry Impact

Single Use Support Sustainability Report 2024

Sustainability Goals | Social Impact | Environmental Impact | Industry Impact in fluid and cold chain management for the biopharmaceutical industry
Armin Lassl - Single Use Support

Armin Lassl

Chief Operating Officer (COO)

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Sustainable Practices: The Green in Single Use Support

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Armin Lassl - Single Use Support

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