Challenges in microbial fermentation manufacturing


Daniel Tischler

March 16, 2023

Table of contents


Microbial fermentation manufacturing is an effective method for the production of APIs, bioconjugates and smaller biologicals that play an important role in biotechnology and the production of biopharmaceuticals.

Still, the fermentation process comes with its own challenges. Insufficient scalability in pharmaceutical fermentation and the risk of contamination through other microorganisms being one of the biggest. Therefore, optimization of fermentation technology is needed to avoid product loss and unsatisfactory growth rates to be able to produce on an industrial-scale.

Manufacturers face different challenges during microbial fermentation. Explore the 7 biggest challenges followed by the introduction of new solutions.

Challenge No. 1: Timelines

In the production of smaller biologics such as peptides, proteins, cytokines or antibody fragments, microbial expression in bacteria, yeast or fungi is often the preferred method. Compared to cell culture expression, microbial fermentation shows faster growth rates which saves time and production costs.  

However, development timelines in the production of pharmaceutical APIs through synthesis and microbial fermentation process development should not be underestimated. As unanticipated problems can occur during the process and change the timelines and a tight budget is often a factor in developmental projects, constant monitoring and flexible solutions have to be part of it.

Microbial fermentation needs technologies that help accelerate handling of ferments. Fast throughput, rapid freezing, and seamless end-to-end processes with reduced product loss help to overcome this challenge. 

Challenges in microbial fermentation manufacturing

Challenge No. 2: Costs

In comparison to cell culture fermentation, microbial fermentation comes with several advantages. Two main benefits are shorter expression time and large-scale expression rates as well as reduced variation between batches. Microbes like Escherichia coli, Staphylococcus aureus, Streptomyces, Aspergillus or Pichia pastoris have proved to be very valuable in the production of small molecule antibiotics, enzymes and proteins.

To ensure the success of biochemical projects, it is necessary to reduce product loss and provide automated processes in order to minimize the risk of human error in industrial biotechnology manufacturing. Both factors are decisive for the reduction of operational costs in short OPEX (operational expenditures). A more streamlined and accurate process does not only save time and guarantees a valuable product, it is also able to reduce overall costs.

The initial costs in short CAPEX (captial expenditure) for automated single-use technologies can be amortized quickly with low operational costs. Thus, single-use solutions are a good choice for overall cost reduction.

Navigating 5 Overlooked Challenges in Biopharmaceutical Fermentation

Guide about Handling Liquids in Biopharmaceutical Fermentation | Scalability in Microbial Mammalian Fungal Fermentation | Replacing Spray Drying and Lyophilization with Bulk Plate Freezing | Speed of Handling Large Volumes in Fermentation | Bag Breakages in fermentation cold chain logistics

Challenge No. 3: Scale-up in fermentation

Since industrial fermentation often aims at large-scale production, the robustness of microbial strains is an important factor in terms of reproducibility. To achieve stable conditions for microbial cell growth, small-scale experiments in a bioreactor can help to establish process characterization without the risk of a lot of product getting lost.

It is important to know about possible impacts of metabolic engineering in microbiology when handling filamentous fungi. Among those is the testing of different conditions and their effects on growth rates. Potential batch sizes range up to 1000 liters per day. The ability to handle this volume properly must therefore be in place. Adequate freezing and the availability of storage capacity are key.1 

Challenge No. 4: Capacity & Capabilities

In order to achieve the best outcomes for a project, in depth knowledge about a cell line is necessary. As bioprocessing and cell engineering depend on each other but often enough companies do not have the ideal structures like high-throughput technologies to support this process, manufacturers face challenges.

The need to act quickly to save time and reduce cost calls for expertise and the right equipment. Providing capacity in terms of storage space or in terms of efficient process facilities is another challenge that not all microbial fermentation manufacturers can solve adequately on their own.

In many cases, a cooperation with a CMO or CDMO is an opportunity to improve knowledge on genomics. Moreover, CDMOs comply with cGMP standards and offer capacities for processing large volumes. 

Challenges in microbial fermentation manufacturing: Capacity & Capabilities

Challenge No. 5: Product Quality

Product viability, as the first priority when it comes to quality assurance, is jeopardized by cryoconcentration, which must therefore be avoided.  Cryoconcentration is caused by slow freezing, occurring with regular or blast freezers. Fast, controlled freezing with a plate freezer eliminates this risk.

With controlled plate-based freezing, the quality of the liquids is maintained during processing steps - and fast freezing is even possible for large volumes.

Therefore, regulatory measurements as approved by the FDA and EMA have to be followed regarding quality control. If cGMP standards cannot be met, a collaboration with another company can be the right solution to overcome those problems.

Challenge No. 6: The technology gap

Microbial fermentation can be found throughout most life sciences. Synthetic biology is an important factor for food products as well as fertilizers. When using fermentation processes in biopharma, the challenge is to follow aseptic processing.

The existent technology gap between upstream and downstream bioprocessing and the fill-finish process in pharmaceutical fermentation leaves too much room for human errors and contamination. Automated systems and transport solutions reduce this risk and guarantee safe manufacturing from start to finish.

Even when handling large volume bioprocess containers, manual handling is not yet history. It is not uncommon that bioprocess containers with 50 liters are moved manually.


eBook: Filling Gaps in Managing Large Volumes of Biologics

Aseptic aliquotation and cryopreservation of drug substances are crucial process steps in bioprocessing. Even though they’re not in the spotlight of biomanufacturing. In drug development and drug delivery, biologics must be transferred at numerous occasions. Along the journey of monoclonal antibodies, vaccines and more, the drug substance passes lots of process steps where liquid transfer is required. This is relevant for the transitions between upstream processing, downstream processing and fill & finish, but also within these manufacturing milestones. The market of fluid & cold chain management has great growth potential and is on its way to professionalization and industrialization. To meet the challenges of manufacturing drug substances, Single Use Support helps manufacturers and CDMOs to advance their fluid & cold chain management process to achieve a secure and efficient process for liquids on the basis of single-use bags.

Challenge No. 7: Finding the right partner

The challenges of microbial fermentation manufacturing can rarely be overcome single-handedly. Since the main goal is to produce a high-quality drug product, all necessary steps from developing to production and distributing should be carried out by experts of their fields.

Partnering with a CDMO can allow for a more streamlined and efficient process. In addition, the need for aseptic processing can be met through the use of automated end-to-end solutions.

Microbial fermentation manufacturing - advances with single-use technology

With the help of single-use technologies it becomes possible to make the most of the potential of microbial fermentation manufacturing. Most challenges can be overcome by the help of our automated end-to-end solutions. While the probability for contamination, product loss and human error is minimized, the different steps of the manufacturing and distribution process become more efficient.

We value all projects, which is why scalability is important to us. Our modular solutions range from milliliters to over 1000 liters to meet all of your needs.

In microbial fermentation manufacturing, one of the biggest challenge is fast freezing of large volumes. With RoSS.pFTU XL, Single Use Support offers a solution for freezing large single-use bioprocess containers in a controlled manner using plate-based freezing technology. Fully automated processes eliminate manual handling and Single Use Support's platforms can be used for all bags, as it is completely vendor-agnostic.

More about microbial fermentation manufacturing

Reducing human error & product loss in pharmaceutical fermentation

Reducing product loss & human error in pharmaceutical fermentation

Pharmaceutical manufacturing processes, including pharmaceutical fermentation, are still prone to human error and product loss. The challenges can be overcome by moving to automated processes that eliminate the need for slow and error-prone manual handling. Adopting automated end-to-end solutions based on single-use technologies minimizes, if not eliminates, human error and product loss.

Bioprocessing Downstream

Cold chain handling for fermentation: Single-use solutions to lower costs

As expert for cold chain handling in bioprocessing, Single Use Support is providing solutions to meet challenges for safe storing and shipping associated with right freezing and thawing methods and temperature control for long-term storage. Their development approach leads to innovative systems that enable manufacturers to replace manual processes with fully automated end-to-end processes that not only push efficiency but also increase output.

RoSS.pFTU XL_Product Detail-1

Filling & Freezing large volumes for fermentation in less than 8 hours

The filling and freezing of large volumes for fermentation is an essential part during different production steps in upstream and downstream processing.  In the following, we will explain why it is important to act fast and how an optimization of the process can be achieved. 

Single-use solutions for Microbial Production

Microbial Fermentation Manufacturing: Advances through single-use technologies

Microbial fermentation is a powerful, flexible microbiology process used to generate microbial cells or biomass such as proteins and enzymes for the production of vaccines and therapeutics. There are still some challenges to overcome. Many of these challenges in fermentation manufacturing can be solved by replacing traditional systems with single-use technologies. 

Microbial cGMP production: complete guide & manufacturer's overview

Microbial cGMP production: complete guide & manufacturer's overview

Microbial fermentation is a hot topic not only in the biopharma industry. In this article, you will find a brief overview of microbial fermentation manufacturing before we discover different CDMOs offering microbial cGMP production.

  1. Optimization and scale up of industrial fermentation processes,, Published 26.10.2005

Daniel Tischler

Chief Commercial Officer (CCO)

Daniel Tischler is Director Commercial Operations and Deputy of Chief Commercial Operations with experience in product line management, application engineer at Single Use Support.

Proximity to mechatronic systems and to customers were two constants for Daniel Tischler. At Single Use Support he started as a project manager. Later he provided customers technical insights as sales application engineer. Daniel was Head of Product Line Management working on new innovations for customers in the biopharmaceutical industry, before he has started as Director of Commercial Operations.

Daniel has gained 10+ years of expertise in design engineering and project management before he joined Single Use Support.

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