IRIS Single-Use Assembly | Filter | FIL-03

Filter assemblies


SKUCatalogue Number: FIL-03
Delivery time2 - 8 weeks, depending on complexity

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IRIS Single-Use Assembly PUPSIT Filter Set Up Fill 03

BOM_IRIS Single-Use Assembly Filtration FIL-03

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IRIS Single-Use Assembly PUPSIT Filter Set Up Fill 03
IRIS Single-Use Assmeblies_Production Kufstein-29

IRIS Manifold | Single-Use Assemblies

As an expert in single-use solutions, we have made it our goal to deliver vendor agnostic single-use assemblies manufactured at highest quality standards in ISO 7 cleanrooms and sterilized within shortest lead times. Prevent downtime and ensure an uninterrupted supply chain in compliance with GMP and regulatory requirements with our single-use manifold assemblies using silicone tubing and connectors of your choice.