IRIS Single-Use Assembly | 2D Bag | 250mL | MPC

IRIS 2D Bag - 250 mL

Setup: MPC Coupling Body & Plug, MPC Coupling Insert & Cap, Luer Sampling, C-Flex, Clamps, Novaseal

Compatible with RoSS KSET 1003 for 250mL IRIS single-use bag

SKUCatalogue Number: 2DBG_0025_00010000
Single Use Bag ManufacturerSingle Use Support
Delivery time2 - 8 weeks, depending on complexity

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IRIS Single-Use Assmeblies_Production Kufstein-29

IRIS Manifold | Single-Use Assemblies

As an expert in single-use solutions, we have made it our goal to deliver vendor agnostic single-use assemblies manufactured at highest quality standards in ISO 7 cleanrooms and sterilized within shortest lead times. Prevent downtime and ensure an uninterrupted supply chain in compliance with GMP and regulatory requirements with our single-use manifold assemblies using silicone tubing and connectors of your choice.


IRIS Single-Use Bioprocess Container

Innovative. Robust. Individual. Single-Use. Make sure your supply chain is uninterrupted. Get your IRIS 2D single-use bioprocess container from Single Use Support in any size with the fastest possible delivery times. Store and ship anything from cell culture samples to large drug substance volumes reliably and on time.

RoSS.KSET top view

ROSS.KSET | Protecting small single-use bags

RoSS.KSET offers the protection for drug substances with volumes less than 250 mL. The shell of our CGT bag protection system is robust, closed, safe and sterile – most suitable for cell and gene therapies or clinical studies.

For larger volumes, RoSS can protect one or multiple single-use bags in one shell.