Cool & homogeneous: Single Use Support introduces product innovation


Michael Eder

January 19, 2023

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Emerging process solution provider Single Use Support has launched RoSS.PADL, an unprecedented platform system for standardizing homogenization and cooling of liquid pharmaceuticals.

RoSS.PADL optimizes fluid homogeneity through massaging and cooling single-use bags of any size. It ensures uniformity of the entire production batch with cGMP-compliant automation prior to dispensing into smaller single-use bioprocess containers. The seamless integration of this platform adds a reproducible and reliable step toward end-to-end fluid management processes. It eliminates the need for human intervention and with it the risk of single-use bag handling errors. 

RoSS.PADL Homogenizing Solution for Aliquot-to-Aliquot consistency

Newly automated process step

Bernhard Schlichtner, Chief Commercial Officer at Single Use Support, confirms several pre-orders for RoSS.PADL. “The combination of homogenization and cooling between 2°C and 8°C (35.6°F and 46.4°F) is unique and supports the resolution of increased aggregation of biologics and cells, e.g., during cell suspension. It eliminates the need for small mixing bags with impellers or manual intervention and advances the movement of liquids in a controlled manner during the aseptic filling process.” The single-use-bag-agnostic platform system maintains a closed system and simplifies the fluid management process.

With Single Use Support’s modular process solutions for sterile filling–draining, freezing–thawing and its protective solutions that cover the entire storage and shipment processes, the homogenizing system optimizes the fluid management of high-value liquid drug substances.

More about RoSS.PADL here.


Michael Eder

Senior Marketing Manager

Michael Eder, MA, is Senior Marketing Manager at Single Use Support. He is expert in pharma and health communication with his 8+ years experience in pharma. After completing his master's degree in International Healthcare Management at MCI The Entrepreneurial school in Innsbruck, he has gained experience in the pharmaceutical field. Michael creates articles about Freeze Thaw applications and Platform solutions from Single Use Support and is the author of current news with Single Use Support worldwide. 

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