Single Use Support Opens US Office


Michael Eder

March 14, 2024

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Fluid and cold chain management expert Single Use Support has opened a subsidiary in Lexington, Massachusetts. Equipped with a product showroom, the office will also serve as a base for increased US staff.

KUFSTEIN – Single Use Support, a leading process solution provider specializing in cold chain logistics, announces the opening of its latest branch office in Lexington, Massachusetts. Strategically positioned within proximity to the innovative pharmaceutical hub of Boston, the new office underscores Single Use Support's ambition for further expansion and for improving efficiency and product quality in biopharmaceutical manufacturing.

The Lexington office, spanning 2,320 square feet, showcases Single Use Support's commitment to enhancing customer service and industry collaboration. CEO Christian Praxmarer emphasized the significance of the inauguration, stating, "Our increased presence in the USA reflects our dedication to advancing biopharmaceutical innovation. And with the opening of our showroom and the bolstered staffing in Lexington we will facilitate faster service for our customers."

Elevated Workforce to Strengthen Customer Service

In conjunction with the office opening, Single Use Support has expanded its US-based sales and service team with the addition of order management and automation experts. Both existing and prospective customers will greatly benefit from the increased presence of the pioneering process solutions provider in the US.

Several US-based pharmaceutical manufacturers and CDMOs have recently placed orders for consumables and platform systems for aliquoting, freeze/thaw, storage, and shipping of high-value drug substances. This is in line with Single Use Support’s 70% increase in non-COVID-related revenue by 2023 and a corresponding 40% increase in headcount over the last six months.

Single Use Support Office Lexington, MA

Expanded Demo Units in the US

Single Use Support’s demonstration solutions can already be viewed in Houston, Texas. The process solution provider’s fluid and cold chain management units are part of the mRNA vaccine manufacturing program executed in collaboration with the National Center for Therapeutics Manufacturing and the Texas A&M University, demonstrating the crucial role of the company's fluid and cold chain management solutions in advancing cutting-edge biopharmaceutical technologies.

About Single Use Support

Single Use Support is a pioneering process solution provider specializing in fluid and cold chain management of drug substances. Headquartered in Austria, the pioneering company focuses on the development of process solutions to provide manufacturers with 100% safe and efficient handling, liquid transfer, freezing and cold chain shipping of advanced therapies and biologics in pharmaceutical production.

More Information

Picture:. Markus Fürniß, Senior Director, Sales USA & Canada (l.), Bernhard Schlichtner, Chief Commercial Officer (m.), Christian Praxmarer, Chief Executive Officer (r.) cutting the ribbon.


After-Sales Service

Our experienced, qualified service staff will be at your side, if a problem arises. Always. We offer complete, competent service packages for all fill and freeze-thaw platform systems - learn more!

Single Use Support Office Lexington, MA

Contact us for a visit

Visit us at one of our offices and tell us about your needs. Click here to contact us directly. Our team will reach out back to you as soon as possible.


Michael Eder

Senior Marketing Manager

Michael Eder, MA, is Senior Marketing Manager at Single Use Support. He is expert in pharma and health communication with his 8+ years experience in pharma. After completing his master's degree in International Healthcare Management at MCI The Entrepreneurial school in Innsbruck, he has gained experience in the pharmaceutical field. Michael creates articles about Freeze Thaw applications and Platform solutions from Single Use Support and is the author of current news with Single Use Support worldwide. 

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