
Dive into our detailed articles on fermentation, exploring both traditional methods and cutting-edge innovations in the field. From process optimization to scaling up production, find valuable insights here. Single Use Support provides state-of-the-art systems for fermentation processes, enhancing productivity and reliability.

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All articles about Fermentation.


Dry to Die: How Spray Drying can be Replaced by Freezing in the Production of Bulk Intermediates

Spray drying often leads to product losses of mAbs or vaccines of more than 30%. Plate-based freezing and thawing solutions enable controlled handling of bulk intermediates safely in a vendor-independent, modular and scalable fluid and cold chain management process. 


Daniel Tischler

April 12, 2023


Microbial Fermentation Manufacturing: Advances through single-use technologies

Microbial fermentation is a powerful, flexible microbiology process used to generate microbial cells or biomass such as proteins and enzymes for the production of vaccines and therapeutics. There are still some challenges to overcome. Many of these challenges in fermentation manufacturing can be solved by replacing traditional systems with single-use technologies. 


Daniel Tischler

March 17, 2023


Challenges in microbial fermentation manufacturing

Microbial fermentation manufacturing is an effective method for the production of APIs, bioconjugates and smaller biologicals that play an important role in biotechnology and the production of biopharmaceuticals. Manufacturers face different challenges during microbial fermentation. Explore the 7 biggest challenges, followed by the introduction of new solutions.


Daniel Tischler

March 16, 2023


Filling & Freezing large volumes for fermentation in less than 8 hours

The filling and freezing of large volumes for fermentation is an essential part during different production steps in upstream and downstream processing.  In the following, we will explain why it is important to act fast and how an optimization of the process can be achieved. 


Daniel Tischler

March 16, 2023


Cold chain handling for fermentation: Single-use solutions to lower costs

As expert for cold chain handling in bioprocessing, Single Use Support is providing solutions to meet challenges for safe storing and shipping associated with right freezing and thawing methods and temperature control for long-term storage. Their development approach leads to innovative systems that enable manufacturers to replace manual processes with fully automated end-to-end processes that not only push efficiency but also increase output.

Alexander Fuchs | Single Use Support

Alexander Fuchs

March 14, 2023


Microbial cGMP production: complete guide & manufacturer's overview

Microbial fermentation is a hot topic not only in the biopharma industry. In this article, you will find a brief overview of microbial fermentation manufacturing before we discover different CDMOs offering microbial cGMP production.


Michael Mühlegger

March 9, 2023


Reducing product loss & human error in pharmaceutical fermentation

Pharmaceutical manufacturing processes, including pharmaceutical fermentation, are still prone to human error and product loss. The challenges can be overcome by moving to automated processes that eliminate the need for slow and error-prone manual handling. Adopting automated end-to-end solutions based on single-use technologies minimizes, if not eliminates, human error and product loss.


Daniel Tischler

February 28, 2023


History of Fermentation: The journey from brewing to advanced therapies

Fermentation has been with mankind at least since the first settlements in the Middle East about 12,000 years ago. Today, scientists have gained so much knowledge about microorganisms and the fermentation process that pharmaceutical manufacturers are using it for the production of vaccines or bioconjugates like ADCs (antibody-drug conjugates) and the development of advanced therapies.


Michael Eder

February 17, 2023


Fermentation in the pharmaceutical industry: A complete guide

Fermentation in the pharmaceutical industry is used to cultivate microorganisms for antibiotics, therapeutic proteins, enzymes and insulin. It typically involves temperature-controlled tanks, also known as fermenters and the correct concentration of nutrients to cultivate the desired organism. Microbial and bacterial fermentation technology and the associated processes open new possibilities and are important building blocks for gene-editing, conjugates and DNA plasmids used in modern vaccine production.


Daniel Tischler

February 17, 2023


Precision Fermentation simply explained

Precision fermentation uses microbial hosts to produce a particular end product. Other terms used for precision fermentation are bacterial and microbial fermentation

Precision fermentation is used in a variety of ways in both the food industry and pharmaceutical industry to produce biopharmaceuticals. Read more!


Michael Eder

February 14, 2023


Microbial Fermentation simply explained

Microbial fermentation is a biochemical process that manages to extract chemical energy from carbohydrates without the oxygen. 

This chemical reaction occurs in bacteria, yeasts or even in muscles of humans. Read more details!


Michael Eder

February 14, 2023


Differences between microbial fermentation & mammalian cell culture

Microbial fermentation in bacteria, yeast or fungi is, due to its benefits, preferred in the production of smaller biologics. These include peptides, proteins, cytokines, growth factors, plasmid DNA, single-domain antibodies, peptibodies and more. Continue reading...!


Daniel Tischler

February 14, 2023

Recommended Downloads


eBook: Filling Gaps in Managing Large Volumes of Biologics

Aseptic aliquotation and cryopreservation of drug substances are crucial process steps in bioprocessing. Even though they’re not in the spotlight of biomanufacturing. In drug development and drug delivery, biologics must be transferred at numerous occasions. Along the journey of monoclonal antibodies, vaccines and more, the drug substance passes lots of process steps where liquid transfer is required. This is relevant for the transitions between upstream processing, downstream processing and fill & finish, but also within these manufacturing milestones. The market of fluid & cold chain management has great growth potential and is on its way to professionalization and industrialization. To meet the challenges of manufacturing drug substances, Single Use Support helps manufacturers and CDMOs to advance their fluid & cold chain management process to achieve a secure and efficient process for liquids on the basis of single-use bags.


Case Study RoSS.pFTU: The ROI of Bulk Freezing with Plate Freezers

An CDMO aspires to achieve improved freezing control, uniformity, and scalability when freezing BDS. New technologies are meant to reduce the need for manual handling as well as increase process efficiency and throughput. The goal was to evaluate and determine the return on investment (ROI) of cryovessels and plate freezers when freezing bulk.


Navigating 5 Overlooked Challenges in Biopharmaceutical Fermentation

Guide about Handling Liquids in Biopharmaceutical Fermentation | Scalability in Microbial Mammalian Fungal Fermentation | Replacing Spray Drying and Lyophilization with Bulk Plate Freezing | Speed of Handling Large Volumes in Fermentation | Bag Breakages in fermentation cold chain logistics