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Fill & Filtration

Aseptic filling of large volumes of drug substances

Especially in large volume drug manufacturing, aseptic filling can be a challenging yet all the more important task to ensure product safety and effectiveness. In this article, we will discuss what manufacturers ought to be aware of.


Michael Eder

January 16, 2024

Nucleic Acids

Single-use technology in mRNA manufacturing

MRNA manufacturing demands for highest accuracy, safety, and compliance. In this article, we will find out how single-use technologies can be used to achieve improvements for mRNA production and processing.


Brian Moloney

January 8, 2024


Meeting cGMP standards for vaccine manufacturing

cGMP plays a fundamental role in several stages of vaccine manufacturing. In this article, we will examine this role in more detail, including its manifold implications for vaccine manufacturers.


Brian Moloney

December 11, 2023


Ultra-low-temperature (ULT) storage of vaccines

Ultra low temperature (ULT) storage emerges as a solid rock to safeguard the cold chain. Discover cutting-edge technologies, the role of controlled freezing, and Single Use Support's solution for long-term storage of vaccines.

Alexander Fuchs | Single Use Support

Alexander Fuchs

December 11, 2023


Challenges in vaccine development & manufacturing

Vaccine development and manufacturing are a challenging business and in order to be efficient and successful manufacturers will have to adopt advanced technologies. The obstacles are manifold and the fragility of supply chains or requirements in cold chain management are just two of the challenges in vaccine manufacturing.


Brian Moloney

December 11, 2023


Scaling up vaccine manufacturing: Challenges & solutions

Scale-up in vaccine management comes with various intricacies. In this article, we will uncover some of them, along with solutions to overcome them.

Alexander Fuchs | Single Use Support

Alexander Fuchs

December 7, 2023


Advanced cold chain solutions for the development of vaccines

Cold chain management is essential to provide safety and efficiency of various vaccines. In this article, we will discuss different cold chain solutions for optimized vaccine evelopment.

Alexander Fuchs | Single Use Support

Alexander Fuchs

December 7, 2023


How single-use technologies improve vaccine production

Single-use technologies bring several advantages to vaccine production, from fluid management to cold chain measures. We will uncover the most important benefits of SUT for this sector in this article.

Khalil Essani - Single Use Support

Khalil Essani

December 7, 2023


Vaccine manufacturing: Introduction to the process from development to large-scale production

Vaccine manufacturing is a cornerstone in modern biotechnology. In this article, therefore, we will shed light on this fascinating process – from development to large-scale production.


Michael Eder

December 6, 2023


How were vaccines developed in the past?

The discovery of vaccines was a fundamental achievement for humanity. Discover the main steps in the history of vaccines in this article.


Michael Eder

December 6, 2023

Cell & Gene Therapy

Increasing Patient Safety: Risk assessment for small volume fluid management

Autologous therapies and other ATMPs with small volumes exhibit certain specific requirements. The scope of handling advanced therapies require special handling and care. When handling of small volumes is already automated in an early stage, it is a way more straightforward path to commercialization of the drug product. The benefit of a closed systems with automated solutions add value by offering a higher degree of sterility, safety, and process flexibility.


Brian Moloney

December 4, 2023


What are the stages in vaccine development?

It is a long way from the initial idea for a vaccine to its actual market entry. Step by step, we will explore the different stages of vaccine development in this article.


Michael Eder

December 4, 2023

Recommended Downloads


eBook: Filling Gaps in Managing Large Volumes of Biologics

Aseptic aliquotation and cryopreservation of drug substances are crucial process steps in bioprocessing. Even though they’re not in the spotlight of biomanufacturing. In drug development and drug delivery, biologics must be transferred at numerous occasions. Along the journey of monoclonal antibodies, vaccines and more, the drug substance passes lots of process steps where liquid transfer is required. This is relevant for the transitions between upstream processing, downstream processing and fill & finish, but also within these manufacturing milestones. The market of fluid & cold chain management has great growth potential and is on its way to professionalization and industrialization. To meet the challenges of manufacturing drug substances, Single Use Support helps manufacturers and CDMOs to advance their fluid & cold chain management process to achieve a secure and efficient process for liquids on the basis of single-use bags.


Whitepaper: How Controlled & Scalable Freezing Becomes Reality

Scalability around freezing means the ability to guarantee constant freezing kinetics on proteins (biopharmaceutical molecules) in all scales, filling volumes and loading scenarios. This guide covers how to achieve scalable freezing & thawing of biopharmaceuticals by showing What is scalability? Setup for controlled icefront growth speed Scalability results Outcomes


Whitepaper: Automated Aseptic Filling

Read our Whitepaper about Automated Aseptic Filling in Pharmaceutical Manufacturing | Discover why automatic filling solutions are preferable to manual filling.